Nancy Lottridge Anderson, Ph.D., CFA, and her staff offer expert advice and personal service. We offer our services on an hourly or retainer basis for our clients. Our services include account management, stock and economic research, retirement planning, and 401k slate analysis. We manage investment accounts of any size and tailor the portfolio to meet your specific needs. For clients of ours, we are available to help with any financial situation you face.
Independent, Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring Break
It's the first day of Spring Break in my neck of the woods, but I'm working while many are lolling on the beach. This past weekend produced glorious weather and sent me into the yard to plant and till. The early change to daylight savings time is adding to my spring fever. Everything is blooming here, and I LOVE it! Surely, this change in time will do what the retailers hope-- increase our spending! Speaking of retailers, Dollar General is being bought out by a private equity group. This is one of my favoritie stops, so I'm anxious about how this will affect my shopping experience. Subprime lenders got hit today, as more and more defaults are occurring in the mortgage market. This could point to bigger concerns, but you wouldn't know it from today's results. All indexes gained about 1/2%.
DJIA +42.30 NASDAQ +14.74 S&P 500 +3.75