Nancy Lottridge Anderson, Ph.D., CFA, and her staff offer expert advice and personal service. We offer our services on an hourly or retainer basis for our clients. Our services include account management, stock and economic research, retirement planning, and 401k slate analysis. We manage investment accounts of any size and tailor the portfolio to meet your specific needs. For clients of ours, we are available to help with any financial situation you face.
Independent, Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Thursday, August 28, 2008
More Good News!
A revised GDP boosted markets today. The revision took GDP from 1.9% in the last quarter to a healthy 3.3%. There is some skepticism about this continuing, since much of the consumer spending came from those rebate checks. In addition, it looks like energy demand is slowing enough to cause inventories in natural gas to rise. The result was pressure on oil futures, as the price per barrel fell to around $116. The DJIA gained almost 2%-- the big winner today.
DJIA +212.67 NASDAQ +29.18 S&P 500 +11.46