Independent, Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Independent, Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

The open carry law has been upheld. End of discussion. But for many people, the answer is to exert personal freedom by posting a "No Guns Allowed" notice on your premises. It warns all who enter that, while the State of Mississippi says they can carry guns, MY home and business are out of bounds for such activity.
Municipalities are concerned about the implications of the new law. How do police and sheriff deal with unruly citizens who are packing? How do they keep other citizens safe when a gunfight could break out any minute? In Jackson, they plan to pass city ordinances declaring municipal buildings and lands off limits to gun carriers. This could spread to local festivals. And while the legislature pushed through this bill, they, too, have used the notice in the capitol building.
So, forget fighting these guys in court. Let's just print up a bunch of "No Guns Allowed" stickers and begin posting them everywhere. In churches. In schools. In the ladies room. On the golf course. At the mall. EVERYWHERE!
The best reason to do this? It will drive them crazy!